Council consultation on empty properties
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South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is proposing the following changes the level of Council Tax discount on empty properties and an increase to the Empty Homes Premium (EHP) on properties that are vacant long term.
The 100% Council Tax discount for unoccupied and unfurnished properties could be reduced from 6 months to just 28 days.
The 100% Council Tax discount for properties undergoing major repairs or structural alterations for 12 months could be removed altogether.
The Empty Homes Premium paid by owners of properties vacant for two or more years is currently 50% of the Council Tax. This could increase to 100%.
If the changes are approved, they would be effective from 1st April 2021.
If you would like to take part in the consultation, you can access details by clicking here.
The consultation closes on 7th January 2021.