Repairs & Responsibilities - February 2014

Posted on: Category: Landlord News

As tenants frequently report breakages and maintenance issues, it is important for each party to be aware of their obligations. Section 11 of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 states that the main landlord repair obligations relate to:

  • The structure and exterior of the dwelling (such as walls, floors and window frames)
  • The drains, gutters and external pipes.
  • If the property is a house, the essential means to access it such as steps from the street, are also included in ‘structure and exterior’. Garden paths and steps are also included.
  • Basins, sinks, baths and other sanitary installations in the dwelling.
  • Fixed installations for heating water and space heating in the dwelling.
  • Water and gas pipes and electrical wiring (including, for example, taps and sockets).

Whilst the landlord must keep the above in proper working order, they are not responsible for repairs arising from damage caused by the tenant. Any damage caused by fire or flooding would normally be covered by an appropriate insurance policy.

Inevitably, the main repairing obligations implied by statute do not cover every situation. Fortunately, other areas can be covered by relevant terms in the tenancy agreement and the common law rights of the occupiers.

If you have a particular situation that you would like clarification on, you can find a copy of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985 by clicking here. Alternatively, you can contact us to discuss further.
